
Clear Correct Vs. Invisalign: Know Your Aligners

clear correct vs invisalign

Are you dreaming of a flawless smile, but hesitant to commit to traditional braces? You’re not alone! Many people desire straighter teeth, without the hassle and visibility of metal brackets. That’s where clear aligners come in – an innovative solution for discreetly transforming your smile.

When it comes to clear aligners, two brands stand out from the rest: Clear Correct and Invisalign. Both offer impressive results with their advanced technology, but which one is right for you? Join us as we dive into a detailed comparison between Clear Correct and Invisalign, so you can make an informed decision on your path towards dental perfection.

Say goodbye to self-consciousness and hello to confidence – let’s explore the world of clear aligners together!

What Do Aligners Correct?

Clear aligners are revolutionizing the world of orthodontics, offering a discreet and comfortable alternative to traditional braces. But what exactly do these magical aligners correct? Let’s take a closer look.

Alignment Issues: One of the primary reasons people turn to clear aligners is to address alignment issues with their teeth. Whether you have overcrowding, gaps between teeth, or crookedness, aligners can help straighten out these imperfections and give you that perfectly aligned smile you’ve always dreamed of.

Bite Problems: In addition to addressing alignment issues, clear aligners can also help correct bite problems. If your upper and lower jaws don’t fit together properly when biting down, it can lead to discomfort or even jaw pain. With the use of precision-made aligner trays, these bite problems can be gradually corrected over time.

Overbites & Underbites: Overbites occur when the upper front teeth protrude further than the lower front teeth, while underbites happen when the lower teeth extend past the upper ones. Clear aligners have proven effective in treating both overbites and underbites by gently guiding your teeth into proper alignment.

Crossbites: A crossbite occurs when some top teeth sit inside the bottom ones instead of outside them as they should be. This misalignment not only affects your appearance but also puts unnecessary stress on certain teeth. Clear aligners work wonders in correcting crossbite issues for improved aesthetics and optimal dental health.

Now that we understand what clear aligners can fix let’s compare two popular brands – Clear Correct versus Invisalign – to determine which one may be right for you!

Is Clear Correct As Good As Invisalign?

When it comes to teeth alignment, both Clear Correct and Invisalign have gained popularity as effective options. But is one better than the other? Let’s delve into the details.

Clear Correct and Invisalign are both clear aligner systems that can correct various dental issues such as overcrowding, gaps between teeth, and misalignment. They work by gradually shifting your teeth into their desired positions using a series of custom-made aligners.

While some may argue that one brand is superior to the other, it ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences. Both Clear Correct and Invisalign offer similar benefits – discreet appearance, removable aligners for easy cleaning and eating, reduced discomfort compared to traditional braces.

However, there are some differences worth noting. Clear Correct tends to be more affordable than Invisalign in many cases. Additionally, Clear Correct uses different materials for their aligners which may suit certain individuals better.

Ultimately though, whether you choose Clear Correct or Invisalign will depend on factors like cost, severity of your dental issue, and personal preference. Consulting with an experienced orthodontist can help determine which option is best suited for you.

Remember: what matters most is achieving the desired results – a straighter smile that boosts your confidence!

How Is Clear Correct Different From Invisalign?

Clear Correct and Invisalign are both popular options for people looking to straighten their teeth without traditional braces. While they share similarities in terms of being clear aligners, there are some key differences between the two.

One significant difference lies in the materials used to create the aligners. Clear Correct uses a thinner plastic material compared to Invisalign, making them more discreet and comfortable to wear. This can be especially beneficial for individuals who may feel self-conscious about wearing aligners.

Another distinction is the treatment planning process. Clear Correct utilizes a digital scanning system that captures 3D images of your teeth, which are then used to create custom aligners specifically tailored to your needs. In contrast, Invisalign relies on physical impressions or digital scans.

Additionally, Clear Correct offers flexibility when it comes to treatment progression. Unlike Invisalign’s predetermined set of trays, Clear Correct allows dentists greater control over adjustments throughout the course of treatment, potentially resulting in more precise results.

The decision between Clear Correct and Invisalign will depend on factors such as individual preferences and specific dental needs. Consulting with a dental professional is essential in determining which option is best suited for you.

Benefits Of Invisalign

Invisalign has gained immense popularity in recent years, and for good reason. Invisalign’s virtually invisible appearance is one of its biggest advantages. Unlike traditional braces, which are made of metal wires and brackets that can be quite noticeable when you smile, Invisalign aligners are clear and discreet.

Another benefit of Invisalign is its comfort. The aligners are custom-made to fit your teeth perfectly, ensuring a snug and comfortable fit. They are also smooth and don’t have any sharp edges like traditional braces, which can cause discomfort or irritations in the mouth.

Invisalign’s convenience is one of its key advantages.. Since the aligners are removable, you can easily take them out when eating or drinking. This means there are no food restrictions like with traditional braces where certain foods need to be avoided to prevent damage to the wires or brackets.

Maintaining oral hygiene is also easier with Invisalign since you can remove the aligners for brushing and flossing your teeth effectively. This reduces the risk of tooth decay or gum disease often associated with poor oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment.

Furthermore, Invisalign offers shorter treatment times compared to traditional braces in many cases. While individual treatment plans may vary based on specific dental issues, some patients experience faster results due to continuous advancements in technology.

Benefits Of Clear Correct

Clear Correct is a popular alternative to traditional braces and has its own unique set of benefits. One of the main advantages of Clear Correct aligners is their discreet appearance. Made from transparent plastic, they are virtually invisible when worn, allowing you to go about your daily activities with confidence.

Another benefit of Clear Correct is the comfort it offers. The aligners are custom-made for each individual, ensuring a perfect fit that minimizes discomfort. Unlike metal braces that can cause irritation and soreness, Clear Correct aligners are smooth and gentle on your gums and cheeks.

Clear Correct also allows for easy maintenance of oral hygiene. Since the aligners are removable, you can take them out when brushing or flossing your teeth, ensuring proper cleanliness and preventing any buildup of food particles or plaque.

Additionally, Clear Correct treatment typically requires fewer office visits compared to traditional braces. This means less time spent in the dentist’s chair and more time enjoying life.

Choosing Clear Correct as an orthodontic solution comes with several benefits including discreet appearance, comfort, ease of maintenance, and convenience in terms of treatment duration.

The Final Verdict

So, after weighing all the factors and considering the benefits of both Clear Correct and Invisalign, it’s clear that there is no definitive winner. Both aligner systems have their own unique advantages and disadvantages.

If you prioritize a discreet appearance and smooth aligner surface, then Invisalign might be your best bet. Its patented SmartTrack material ensures a comfortable fit while its innovative technology allows for precise teeth movements.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for cost-effectiveness without compromising on quality results, Clear Correct might be worth considering. With its affordable pricing structure and reliable performance, Clear Correct offers an appealing alternative to those on a budget.

The choice between Clear Correct and Invisalign comes down to your specific needs, preferences, and budget. It’s important to consult with an experienced orthodontist who can assess your dental condition properly before making a decision.

Remember that achieving straighter teeth is not just about aesthetics but also about improved oral health. So whichever aligner system you choose – whether it’s Clear Correct or Invisalign – commit to following instructions diligently for optimal results.

When it comes to choosing between Clear Correct and Invisalign, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer. Both aligner systems have their own unique features and benefits that make them appealing to different individuals.

If you value the experience and reputation of a well-established brand, Invisalign may be the better option for you. With over 20 years in the market, they have proven themselves as a trusted choice for orthodontic treatment. Their advanced technology and extensive research provide confidence in their ability to deliver effective results.

On the other hand, if affordability is your top priority or if you have more complex dental issues that require additional customization, Clear Correct can be an excellent alternative. Their flexible payment plans and ability to treat various orthodontic cases make them an attractive option for many patients.

The decision between Clear Correct and Invisalign should be made in consultation with your dentist or orthodontist. They will evaluate your specific needs and goals before recommending the best course of action for achieving a straighter smile.

Remember, no matter which aligner system you choose, adherence to instructions is crucial for successful treatment outcomes. So follow your provider’s guidance diligently throughout your journey towards achieving that confident smile you’ve always wanted!


1. Are Clear Correct and Invisalign equally effective in correcting teeth alignment?

Both Clear Correct and Invisalign are highly effective in correcting teeth alignment. However, the suitability of each treatment may vary depending on individual cases and the recommendation of your orthodontist.

2. Will wearing aligners affect my speech?

While it is common to experience a slight adjustment period when speaking with aligners, most people adapt quickly within a few days or weeks. With practice, you will be able to speak naturally without any issues.

3. How long do I need to wear clear aligners each day?

For optimal results, it is recommended to wear clear aligners for at least 20-22 hours per day. This allows sufficient time for the aligners to apply gentle pressure and gradually move your teeth into their desired positions.

4. Can I remove clear aligners whenever I want?

One of the advantages of both Clear Correct and Invisalign is that they are removable, allowing you to take them out while eating or drinking (except for water) as well as during special occasions like photoshoots or important events. However, it’s crucial to remember that consistent wear is essential for successful treatment outcomes.

5. How often do I need to visit my orthodontist during treatment?

Typically, follow-up appointments with your orthodontist are scheduled every 4-6 weeks throughout the course of your treatment with either Clear Correct or Invisalign. These visits allow them to monitor progress, make any necessary adjustments, and provide you with new sets of aligner trays.

6. Will insurance cover the cost of clear aligner treatments?

Insurance coverage varies depending on individual plans and providers’ policies; however, many dental insurance plans offer partial coverage for orthodontic treatments such as Clear Correct or Invisalign. It’s advisable to check with your insurance provider beforehand.

Teeth Whitening for Intrinsic Tooth Stains

teeth whitening

You can boost your confidence and leave a lasting impression with bright, white teeth not only as a sign of good oral health, but also as a sign of good oral hygiene. Unfortunately, some stains go beyond the surface and cannot be easily removed with regular brushing or over-the-counter whitening products. These deep-rooted stains, known as intrinsic tooth stains, require special attention and treatment to restore your pearly whites. In this blog post, we will explore the different options available for teeth whitening specifically designed to tackle those stubborn intrinsic stains. Say goodbye to discoloration and hello to a radiant smile!

Intrinsic vs. extrinsic staining

When it comes to tooth stains, understanding the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic staining is key. Extrinsic stains are typically caused by external factors such as coffee, tea, red wine, or tobacco use. These stains affect the outer surface of the teeth and can often be easily removed through regular brushing or professional dental cleanings.

On the other hand, intrinsic stains run much deeper. They occur within the inner structure of the tooth and are usually a result of various factors including genetics, certain medications (such as tetracycline), trauma to the tooth, or excessive fluoride exposure during tooth development.

Unlike extrinsic stains that can be addressed with simple whitening treatments, intrinsic stains require more intensive methods to achieve effective results. It’s important to consult with your dentist who can assess your specific situation and recommend appropriate treatment options tailored to your needs.

Now that we have a better understanding of intrinsic versus extrinsic staining let’s explore some potential solutions for tackling those stubborn deep-rooted stains on our teeth!

Dental crowns

Dental crowns, also known as dental caps, are a popular solution for various dental issues. These tooth-shaped prosthetics are designed to cover and protect damaged or discolored teeth. Made from materials like porcelain or metal alloys, dental crowns not only enhance the appearance of your smile but also provide strength and support to weakened teeth.

One of the primary reasons people opt for dental crowns is to address intrinsic tooth stains that cannot be removed through regular teeth whitening methods. Intrinsic stains occur deep within the structure of the tooth and can result from factors such as aging, trauma, certain medications, or excessive fluoride intake during childhood.

When it comes to treating intrinsic staining with dental crowns, your dentist will first prepare the affected tooth by removing any decayed areas or old fillings. They will then shape the remaining tooth structure before taking impressions to create a custom-made crown that matches your natural teeth in size, shape, and color.

Once fabricated in a dental laboratory, the crown is permanently cemented onto the prepared tooth using specialized adhesive techniques. This ensures a secure fit and long-lasting results. With proper care and maintenance, including good oral hygiene practices and regular visits to your dentist,

dental crowns can effectively restore both functionality and aesthetics to stained or damaged teeth.


Veneers are a popular option for improving the appearance of teeth with intrinsic stains. The thin shells, typically made of porcelain or composite resin, fit over the front surface of your teeth. They can effectively mask discoloration and give you a brighter, more uniform smile.

One of the key advantages of veneers is their ability to cover up even severe stains that may not respond well to traditional whitening methods. Whether your teeth have been discolored due to medication, trauma, or natural factors like aging, veneers can provide a long-lasting solution.

The process of getting veneers involves removing a small amount of enamel from the tooth’s surface to make room for the veneer. This ensures a proper fit and allows the veneer to bond securely with your tooth. Once in place, veneers look and feel natural, giving you an instantly improved smile.

It’s important to note that while veneers can greatly improve the appearance of stained teeth, they are not reversible. The removal of enamel is permanent and should be considered as part of a long-term commitment to maintaining good oral hygiene habits.

If you’re considering getting veneers for intrinsic tooth stains, it’s best to consult with a qualified dentist who can assess your specific needs and guide you through the process. With proper care and maintenance, veneers can provide lasting results and help restore confidence in your smile. So don’t let stubborn stains hold you back – explore this cosmetic dentistry option today!


Bonding is a popular cosmetic dental procedure that can help address intrinsic tooth stains. This treatment involves applying a tooth-colored resin material to the surface of the teeth, which is then shaped and polished to match the natural appearance of your teeth.

One of the main advantages of bonding is its versatility. It can not only be used to treat intrinsic stains but also to repair chipped or cracked teeth, close small gaps between teeth, and even reshape misaligned teeth. The procedure is relatively quick and painless, usually requiring just one visit to the dentist.

During the bonding process, your dentist will first prepare your tooth by roughening its surface and applying a conditioning liquid. They will then apply the resin material in layers until they achieve the desired shape and appearance. Once it’s molded into place, a special light is used to harden the material.

Bonding has several benefits compared to other treatments for intrinsic stains. It offers immediate results with minimal removal of tooth structure. It is also more cost-effective than alternatives like veneers or crowns since it requires less time and materials.

However, it’s important to note that bonded restorations are not as durable or stain-resistant as veneers or crowns. With proper care such as regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups, you can expect bonding to last around 5-10 years before needing repairs or replacement.

Bonding can be an effective solution for addressing intrinsic tooth stains while also providing additional cosmetic improvements at a lower cost compared to other treatments like veneers or crowns. Consult with your dentist who can determine if this option suits your specific needs.

Teeth whitening is a good solution for deep stains

Teeth whitening treatments have become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. They are a highly effective solution for deep stains that may not respond well to other methods. Whether caused by aging, genetics, or certain medications such as tetracycline, these intrinsic tooth stains can be stubborn and difficult to remove.

One of the most common methods used to whiten deeply stained teeth is professional bleaching. This involves applying a specialized bleaching agent directly onto the teeth and using a light or laser to activate the whitening process. This treatment can significantly lighten the color of your teeth and restore their natural brightness.

Another option for treating deep stains is dental bonding. Bonding involves applying composite resin material to the surface of the tooth and then shaping it to match the surrounding teeth perfectly. This not only covers up intrinsic staining but also improves overall appearance.

For more severe cases, veneers may be recommended. Veneers are thin shells made from porcelain or composite materials that are bonded to the front surface of your teeth. They effectively mask any discoloration while providing you with a flawless smile.

It’s important to note that while these treatments can produce dramatic results, they may not be suitable for everyone. It’s always best to consult with your dentist who will assess your individual case before recommending any specific treatment option.

If you’re struggling with deep intrinsic tooth stains that don’t respond well to other methods, professional teeth whitening treatments can offer an excellent solution. The advancements in dentistry have made it possible for even stubborn stains to be effectively treated, helping you achieve a brighter and more confident smile!

Teeth whitening treatments offer an effective solution for individuals dealing with intrinsic tooth stains. Whether caused by aging, genetics, or certain medications, these deep stains can be stubborn and difficult to remove. However, with the advancements in dental technology and cosmetic dentistry procedures, there are several options available to brighten your smile.

Intrinsic vs. extrinsic staining: It’s important to understand the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic tooth stains. Extrinsic stains appear on the surface of the teeth and are often caused by consuming foods and beverages like coffee, tea, or red wine. These types of stains can usually be eliminated or reduced through regular brushing and professional cleanings.

Dental crowns: For individuals with severe intrinsically stained teeth that do not respond well to traditional whitening methods, dental crowns may be recommended. Crowns are custom-made caps that cover the entire tooth structure above the gum line, providing a natural-looking solution for enhancing both color and shape.

Veneers: Another option for addressing intrinsic staining is porcelain veneers. These thin shells are bonded to the front surface of teeth using a strong adhesive. Veneers can effectively mask discoloration while also improving other cosmetic issues such as chips or gaps.

Bonding: Dental bonding involves applying a tooth-colored resin material directly onto the affected teeth. This procedure helps improve their appearance by covering up any imperfections such as discoloration or minor chips.


Q: Can teeth whitening remove intrinsic tooth stains?

A: Yes, teeth whitening can effectively remove intrinsic tooth stains. By using professional-grade bleaching agents, dentists can penetrate deep into the enamel and break down the molecules that cause discoloration. This process helps to lighten the color of your teeth and restore their natural brightness.

Q: Is teeth whitening a permanent solution for intrinsic stains?

A: While teeth whitening can provide long-lasting results for many individuals, it is not considered a permanent solution. Over time, new stains may develop due to factors such as diet, lifestyle habits, and aging. However, with proper oral hygiene practices and occasional touch-up treatments recommended by your dentist, you can maintain a brighter smile for an extended period.

Q: Are there any side effects associated with teeth whitening?

A: Some individuals may experience temporary tooth sensitivity or gum irritation after undergoing a teeth whitening treatment. These side effects are usually mild and subside on their own within a few days. It’s important to follow your dentist’s instructions carefully and notify them if you have any concerns or discomfort during or after the procedure.

Q: Can I whiten my teeth at home without professional assistance?

A: There are various over-the-counter products available for at-home teeth whitening; however, they may not be as effective in treating deep intrinsic stains compared to professional treatments provided by dentists. It is always recommended to consult with your dentist before attempting any DIY methods to ensure safe and optimal results.

Q: How often should I undergo professional teeth whitening treatments?

A: The frequency of professional teeth whitening treatments will depend on individual circumstances such as the severity of staining and personal preferences. In general, most people achieve desirable results with one initial treatment session followed by periodic touch-ups every six months to one year.

Here Are 5 tips To Help You Recover Faster After a Root Canal

root canal- coastal dental arts

Root canals are no one’s idea of a good time. The thought of having your tooth drilled into and the nerve removed might send shivers down your spine. But sometimes, it’s necessary to save a tooth from further damage or infection. After undergoing this dental procedure, it’s important to take proper care of yourself to ensure a smooth and speedy recovery. In this article, we’ll share five quick tips that will help you recover faster after a root canal. So let’s dive in and get you back on track to optimal oral health!

Tip 1. Follow All Instructions From Your Dentist

Once you’ve had a root canal, your dentist will provide you with specific instructions to follow during the recovery process. It’s crucial that you adhere to these instructions to ensure proper healing and avoid any complications.

First and foremost, make sure to take any prescribed medications exactly as directed by your dentist. This may include antibiotics or pain relievers. Following the correct dosage and timing is essential for managing discomfort and preventing infections.

Additionally, be mindful of any post-treatment care recommendations from your dentist. They might advise avoiding certain foods or beverages that could irritate the treated tooth or disrupt the healing process. It’s best to stick to soft foods initially and gradually reintroduce harder textures as advised.

Proper oral hygiene is also crucial during recovery after a root canal. Your dentist will likely recommend gentle brushing and flossing techniques while avoiding vigorous rinsing or using mouthwashes containing alcohol.

In some cases, it may be necessary to schedule a follow-up appointment with your dentist for further evaluation of the treated tooth’s progress. Make sure not to skip this visit as it allows your dentist to monitor how well you’re recovering and address any concerns promptly.

Remember, every root canal procedure is unique, so following your dentist’s personalized instructions is vital for optimum recovery. By doing so, you can significantly enhance your chances of a faster and smoother recuperation period.

Tip 2. Take Painkillers

After a root canal, it’s common to experience some discomfort or pain as your mouth heals. To help manage this, your dentist may recommend taking painkillers. These medications can provide relief and make the recovery process more bearable.

When it comes to choosing painkillers, over-the-counter options like ibuprofen or acetaminophen are usually sufficient for managing post-root canal pain. However, always follow your dentist’s instructions and take the recommended dosage.

Taking painkillers not only helps alleviate any discomfort but can also reduce inflammation in the treated area. This is especially important during the initial days following the procedure when swelling may be at its peak.

Remember to stay consistent with your medication schedule and avoid skipping doses. It’s crucial to maintain a steady level of pain relief throughout your recovery period.

If you have any concerns or questions about taking painkillers after a root canal, don’t hesitate to reach out to your dentist for clarification. They will be able to guide you on which medication is best suited for you based on factors such as medical history and allergies.

By adhering to these guidelines and staying on top of your prescribed painkiller regimen, you’ll be well on your way toward a faster recovery after a root canal procedure!

Tip 3. Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is crucial for your overall health, but it becomes even more important after a root canal procedure. Drinking plenty of water helps to flush out toxins from your body and promotes faster healing. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water per day.

Water not only keeps you hydrated, but it also helps in preventing dry mouth, a common side effect after a root canal. Dry mouth can make it difficult to eat and speak comfortably. By sipping on water throughout the day, you can alleviate this discomfort and keep your oral cavity moist.

In addition to water, you may want to incorporate other hydrating fluids into your diet such as herbal teas or electrolyte-rich drinks like coconut water. These beverages can help replace any lost fluids and provide additional nutrients that support healing.

Remember, staying hydrated is essential during the recovery process as it aids in reducing inflammation and promoting optimal circulation. So don’t forget to keep a bottle of water handy wherever you go!

Tip 4. Eat Soft Foods

One important tip to help you recover faster after a root canal is to eat soft foods. After the procedure, your mouth may be sore and tender, making it difficult to chew hard or crunchy foods. Opting for softer options can help alleviate any discomfort while still providing necessary nutrition.

Soft foods are gentle on your teeth and gums, reducing the risk of further irritation or damage. They are also easier to eat, allowing your mouth time to heal without additional stress. Some examples of soft foods include mashed potatoes, yogurt, soup, smoothies, scrambled eggs, and cooked vegetables.

Incorporating these types of foods into your diet can promote healing and prevent complications during recovery. Additionally, consuming soft foods ensures that you maintain proper nutrition even if you have temporary difficulty eating regular solid meals.

Remember that this is just one aspect of a comprehensive recovery plan following a root canal procedure. It’s crucial to follow all instructions provided by your dentist for optimal healing and pain relief! So make sure you consult with your dental professional before making any changes in your diet post-root canal!

Tip 5. Avoid Strenuous Activity

After a root canal, it’s important to give your body time to heal and recover. This means taking it easy and avoiding strenuous activities that could put unnecessary strain on your mouth. While physical activity is generally good for overall health, engaging in intense exercise or sports right after a root canal can hinder the healing process.

Strenuous activities like weightlifting, running, or playing contact sports can increase blood flow to the affected area and cause discomfort or even damage. It’s best to err on the side of caution and take a break from these activities until you have fully recovered.

Instead of hitting the gym or participating in high-impact sports, focus on gentle exercises like walking or stretching during your recovery period. These low-impact activities will help maintain your overall fitness level without putting undue pressure on your teeth and gums.

Remember, every individual heals at their own pace, so listen to your body and don’t push yourself too hard too soon. By avoiding strenuous activity during this crucial time, you’ll give yourself the best chance for a smooth recovery after a root canal procedure.

Recovering from a root canal procedure can take some time, but with these five quick tips, you’ll be on the fast track to feeling better in no time!

Following all instructions from your dentist is crucial for a smooth recovery. They may recommend certain medications or provide specific care guidelines that are tailored to your individual needs. By following their advice, you can ensure that you’re doing everything possible to promote healing and prevent any complications.

Taking painkillers as prescribed by your dentist can help manage any discomfort or soreness after the root canal. It’s important to stay ahead of the pain and not let it become overwhelming. Remember to always follow the recommended dosage and never exceed it without consulting your dentist first.

Staying hydrated is essential for overall health, including oral health. Drinking plenty of water helps keep your mouth lubricated and aids in flushing out any bacteria or debris that might be lingering around the treated area. Plus, staying hydrated promotes faster healing throughout your body.

During the initial stages of recovery, sticking to soft foods will minimize stress on the newly treated tooth. Opt for options like yogurt, mashed potatoes, soups, and smoothies until you feel comfortable enough to gradually reintroduce firmer foods into your diet.

While physical activity is important for maintaining good overall health, it’s best to avoid strenuous activities immediately after a root canal procedure. Give yourself ample rest so that your body can focus on healing without unnecessary strain.

Remember that every person’s recovery process may vary slightly based on their unique circumstances. Always consult with your dentist if you have any concerns or questions during this period.

By following these quick tips – adhering to instructions from your dentist, taking painkillers as needed, staying hydrated, eating soft foods during recovery,and avoiding strenuous activity –you’ll give yourself the best chance at a speedy and successful recovery after a root canal procedure!


Q: How long does it take to recover after a root canal?

A: The recovery time after a root canal can vary from person to person. In general, most people start feeling better within a few days and fully recover within a week or two. However, it’s important to follow your dentist’s instructions and take care of yourself during the recovery period.

Q: Can I brush my teeth after a root canal?

A: Yes, you can continue to brush your teeth as usual after a root canal. However, be gentle around the treated area to avoid any discomfort. Your dentist may also recommend using an antibacterial mouthwash for added protection.

Q: Is it normal to experience some pain or sensitivity after a root canal?

A: It is common to feel some pain or sensitivity in the treated tooth for a few days following the procedure. This is usually temporary and can be managed with over-the-counter painkillers recommended by your dentist.

Q: When should I contact my dentist if I have concerns about my recovery?

A: If you have persistent severe pain, swelling that worsens over time, excessive bleeding from the treated area, or any other concerns about your recovery process, it is important to contact your dentist right away.

Remember that every individual’s experience with recovering from a root canal may differ slightly. It’s essential to stay in touch with your dental professional throughout the process and address any questions or issues promptly.

By following these quick tips – including following all instructions from your dentist, taking painkillers as needed but not exceeding recommended dosages, staying hydrated, eating soft foods while avoiding strenuous activity – you will help ensure a smoother and faster recovery after undergoing this dental procedure.

When Should You Replace Your Night Guard?

night guards- coastal dental arts

Are you tired of waking up with a headache or sore jaw? If so, you may be one of the millions of people who suffer from bruxism, also known as teeth grinding. This unconscious habit can wreak havoc on your oral health, causing tooth damage and even leading to more serious issues like TMJ disorder. Luckily, there’s a simple solution: a custom night guard. But how do you know when it’s time to replace your trusty dental protector? In this blog post, we’ll explore the signs that indicate it’s time for a new night guard and provide some tips on finding the perfect fit for your needs. So sit back, relax (without grinding those teeth!), and let’s dive into the world of night guards!

The Damage Done By Bruxism

Bruxism, or teeth grinding, may seem harmless at first, but the damage it can cause is anything but. When you grind your teeth, whether during the day or while you sleep, immense pressure is exerted on your teeth and jaw muscles. Eventually, this can lead to a host of problems.

One of the most common issues caused by bruxism is tooth wear and enamel erosion. The constant friction between your upper and lower teeth can gradually wear down their surfaces, resulting in flattened or chipped edges. This not only affects the appearance of your smile but also weakens the overall structure of your teeth.

Additionally, bruxism puts excessive strain on your jaw joints and muscles. This can lead to temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), causing pain and discomfort in your jaw area that radiates to other parts of your face and head.

In severe cases, chronic bruxism can even result in tooth fractures or loosening due to weakened support from damaged surrounding structures like gum tissues and ligaments.

It’s important to address bruxism as soon as possible to prevent further damage. And one effective way to protect both your teeth and jaw from harm is by wearing a custom night guard tailored specifically for you.

How Often Should You Replace Your Custom Night Guard?

How often should you replace your custom night guard? This is a common question among those who suffer from bruxism, or teeth grinding and clenching during sleep. The answer depends on several factors, including the quality of the night guard and how severe your bruxism is.

It’s important to understand that night guards are not meant to last forever. They are designed to protect your teeth from the damaging effects of grinding and clenching, but over time they can become worn down and less effective.

On average, most dentists recommend replacing your custom night guard every 1-2 years. However, if you have severe bruxism or if you notice signs of wear and tear on your night guard sooner than this timeframe, it may be necessary to replace it more frequently.

It’s also worth noting that everyone’s mouth is different, so what works for one person may not work for another. If you find that your current night guard is uncomfortable or no longer fits properly, it might be time to consider getting a new one.

While there isn’t an exact timeline for when you should replace your custom night guard, it’s important to regularly check its condition and consult with your dentist if you have any concerns. By doing so, you can ensure that your night guard continues to effectively protect against the damage caused by bruxism.

How To Find The Right Night Guard?

How do you go about finding the right night guard for your needs? With so many options available on the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the one that is best suited for you. Here are a few tips to help guide you in the right direction.

First and foremost, consult with your dentist or oral healthcare provider. They will be able to assess your specific situation and recommend the type of night guard that would work best for you. Whether it’s a custom-made night guard or an over-the-counter option, they can provide valuable insight based on their professional expertise.

Consider your budget when exploring different options. Custom-made night guards tend to be more expensive but offer a better fit and higher level of comfort. Over-the-counter options may be more affordable, but keep in mind that they might not provide the same level of protection or longevity as a custom-fit one.

Read reviews and gather feedback from others who have used different types of night guards. Hearing about their experiences can give you an idea of what to expect and help narrow down your choices.

Don’t hesitate to ask questions! Reach out to manufacturers or retailers if you need clarification on any aspect of their product. Understanding the materials used, durability, and cleaning instructions will help ensure that you find a night guard that meets all your requirements.

Taking Care of Your Night Guard

Proper care and maintenance of your night guard are essential to ensure its effectiveness and longevity. Here are some tips on how to take care of your night guard:

1. Clean it regularly: After each use, rinse your night guard with cool water to remove any saliva or debris. Use a soft toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste to gently clean the surface. Avoid using hot water as it can warp the material.

2. Keep it dry: Moisture can promote bacterial growth, so make sure to thoroughly dry your night guard before storing it in its case. Allow it to air-dry completely before putting it away.

3. Store it properly: When not in use, store your night guard in its protective case to prevent damage and contamination from dust or bacteria.

4. Avoid high temperatures: Heat can deform the material of your night guard, so keep it away from hot surfaces like heaters or direct sunlight.

5. Replace when necessary: Over time, night guards may become worn out or lose their shape due to regular clenching and grinding. If you notice any signs of wear such as cracks, holes, or discomfort during use, consult with your dentist about getting a replacement.

The decision to replace your night guard can vary depending on various factors such as the severity of your bruxism, the quality of the night guard, and how well you take care of it. It’s important to monitor for signs of wear and tear regularly.

Bruxism can cause significant damage to your teeth and jaw if left untreated. Grinding and clenching can lead to chipped or fractured teeth, worn down enamel, jaw pain, headaches, and even temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJD). Using a night guard helps protect your teeth from further damage caused by grinding.

As for when to replace your custom night guard, it’s generally recommended that you consult with your dentist or dental professional. They will assess the condition of your current night guard and determine if it needs replacement based on wear patterns or any visible signs of deterioration.

Finding the right night guard is crucial in ensuring its effectiveness. Custom-made night guards are often considered superior because they are specifically designed to fit your unique mouth shape and bite alignment. Over-the-counter options may not provide a proper fit or offer sufficient protection against bruxism-related damage.

Taking proper care of your night guard is essential for prolonging its lifespan. Clean it regularly using non-abrasive toothpaste or denture cleaner and rinse thoroughly before storing it in a clean case. Avoid exposing it to excessive heat or direct sunlight as this can cause warping.

 Replacing a custom-made nightguard should be done according to professional advice from a dentist or dental professional who has assessed its condition. Regularly monitoring for signs of wear and tear is crucial in maintaining oral health while protecting against bruxism-related damage!


Q: How do I know if I need to replace my night guard?

A: There are a few signs that indicate it may be time for a replacement. If you notice any cracks, chips, or wear and tear on your night guard, it’s important to get a new one. Additionally, if your night guard no longer fits properly or is causing discomfort, it’s time to consider getting a replacement.

Q: Can I clean my night guard with toothpaste?

A: It’s not recommended to clean your night guard with toothpaste as some toothpastes contain abrasive ingredients that can damage the material of the night guard. Instead, rinse it with cool water after each use and brush it gently using non-abrasive soap or denture cleaner.

Q: Can I wear my night guard during the day?

A: Night guards are specifically designed for nighttime use when bruxism tends to occur most frequently. Wearing them during the day is not necessary unless advised by your dentist or healthcare professional.

Q: Will wearing a night guard completely eliminate teeth grinding?

A: While wearing a custom-fitted night guard can significantly reduce the impact of teeth grinding and clenching, it may not completely eliminate the habit. However, using a night guard consistently can help protect your teeth from further damage caused by bruxism.

Q: How long does a custom-made nightguard last?

A: The lifespan of a custom-made nightguard depends on various factors such as how often you grind/clench your teeth and how well you care for the appliance. On average, they tend to last between 2-5 years before requiring replacement.

By understanding when to replace your custom-made nightguard and taking proper care of it, you can effectively manage bruxism while protecting your dental health in the long run. Remember to consult with your dentist regularly for check-ups and advice tailored specifically to your needs.

Conquering Cravings After the Drill: Delicious and Easy Treats for Dental Surgery Recovery

dentist peabody- coastal dental arts peabody

So, you’ve braved the dental chair, emerged victorious from the battle against plaque and tartar, and now… your jaw throbs like a jackhammer on overtime. Fear not, brave soldier! While chomping on a juicy steak may be out of the question for now, your taste buds don’t have to suffer through a bland and boring recovery.

Embrace the Soft Life:

  • Creamy Dreamland Smoothies: Blend your favorite fruits (think ripe mangoes, bananas, or berries) with Greek yogurt or ice cream (opt for lactose-free if needed) for a vitamin-packed and protein-rich delight. Bonus points for sneaking in some spinach or kale for a nutritional boost!

  • Soup-er Stars: Brothy goodness to the rescue! Chicken noodle, creamy tomato, or even a vibrant minestrone – pick your poison (or rather, broth) and let the warmth soothe your aching jaw. Remember, chunky bits might be a no-go for now, so stick to pureed or well-blended textures.

  • Mashed Marvels: Potatoes, yams, or even avocado – embrace the mash! Add a dollop of butter or a drizzle of olive oil for richness, and don’t shy away from herbs and spices like garlic or turmeric for a flavor fiesta. Remember, keep it smooth and avoid any lumps that might irritate your stitches.

Beyond the Spoon:

  • Frozen Fancies: Popsicles, ice cream bars, and even homemade frozen yogurt bark are your icy allies in this culinary crusade. Get creative! Blend yogurt with chopped fruit or even a drizzle of chocolate for a guilt-free (well, almost) treat.

  • Jello Jiggles: Remember those wobbly childhood favorites? Jello is back in a big way! Opt for sugar-free options and get creative with flavors and textures. Mix in whipped cream, chopped fruit, or even a sprinkle of chia seeds for an added health kick.

  • Homemade Hummus Heaven: This creamy chickpea spread is not only delicious but also packed with protein and fiber. Pair it with soft pita bread, cucumber slices, or even crackers (soaked in water if needed) for a satisfying snack.

Pro-Tips for Recovery Foodies:

  • Chill Out: Opt for cold or room-temperature foods to minimize swelling and discomfort.
  • Spice it Up (Cautiously): While salt might irritate your healing tissues, don’t be afraid of herbs and spices for added flavor. Ginger, turmeric, and even a touch of cayenne pepper can work wonders.
  • Hydration Hero: Remember, water is your best friend! Staying hydrated helps with healing and keeps your mouth feeling fresh.
  • Listen to Your Body: Craving a burger? Don’t force it! Stick to softer textures and let your body guide your culinary choices.

Remember, this is just a starting point! With a little creativity and these handy tips, your dental surgery recovery doesn’t have to be a flavorless affair. So, grab your blender, mix your masher, and conquer those cravings with delicious and easy treats that will have your taste buds thanking you, even with a swollen smile!

New Year, New Dental Habits: Building a Foundation for Oral Health

dentist peabody coastal dental arts peabody

As we stride into the promising horizon of a new year, it’s time to shed light on a fundamental yet often underestimated aspect of our well-being: oral health—picture this: a canvas of renewed possibilities for cultivating healthier habits, particularly in nurturing our smiles. The journey to optimal dental wellness begins with simple yet impactful practices. Buckle up for an interactive exploration into the realm of dental habits—small adjustments that can create a monumental difference. Let’s unlock the secrets to building a robust foundation for oral health in the upcoming year, ensuring brighter smiles and healthier tomorrows for us all.

Building Consistency with Daily Dental Practices

Consistency in daily dental practices is fundamental for a healthy smile. It starts with a routine of brushing twice every day with fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled brush. Employ gentle, circular motions, ensuring all tooth surfaces are covered. Complement this with regular flossing to remove plaque between teeth. Making these practices a habit ensures effective plaque removal, reducing the risk of cavities and gum disease. Consistent daily care sets the stage for optimal oral health and a dazzling smile.

The Power of Proper Brushing and Flossing Techniques

Proper brushing and flossing techniques wield immense influence over oral health. Employ gentle yet thorough brushing, covering all tooth surfaces in circular motions to eliminate plaque effectively. Additionally, regular flossing removes debris from between teeth, curbing plaque buildup and reducing gum disease risk. These techniques, when diligently practiced, prevent cavities and maintain healthy gums. The power lies in their daily application, ensuring a clean, healthy mouth and paving the way for a radiant smile.

Healthy Dietary Choices for a Brighter Smile

Opting for a tooth-friendly diet fosters a brighter smile and robust oral health. Limiting sugary snacks and acidic beverages reduces enamel erosion and the likelihood of cavities. Embrace a balanced diet rich in calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins crucial for strong teeth and gums. Incorporate crunchy fruits and vegetables that naturally clean teeth while stimulating saliva production, aiding in plaque reduction. Making smart dietary choices is pivotal for a radiant smile and long-term oral wellness.

Regular Dental Check-ups: Your Path to Preventive Care

Frequent dental check-ups are the cornerstone of preventive dental care. These appointments not only detect dental issues early but also offer professional cleanings that complement daily oral hygiene routines. They enable dentists to assess oral health, identify potential concerns, and provide tailored advice for optimal care. By prioritizing these visits, individuals ensure proactive maintenance, minimizing the risk of serious dental problems and paving the way for a healthy, confident smile.

Embracing Oral Health as a Holistic Wellness Component

Recognizing oral health as an important part of holistic wellness is key to overall well-being. Poor oral hygiene can impact systemic health, potentially contributing to conditions like cardiovascular disease and diabetes. By prioritizing dental care, individuals not only maintain a radiant smile but also support their body’s overall health. Embracing this holistic approach underscores the interconnectedness of oral health with one’s general well-being, fostering a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.

In closing, the path to optimal oral health begins with a commitment to small yet significant changes. As we stride into the New Year, let’s pledge to prioritize our dental habits. Consistency in brushing and flossing, mindful dietary choices, and regular dental check-ups are the keystones to a radiant smile and lasting oral wellness. Remember, healthy habits are investments in our overall well-being. Embrace these practices and witness the transformative impact on your dental health. Here’s to a year filled with sparkling smiles, confidence, and the joy of maintaining a healthy foundation for a brighter future! Get in touch with Coastal Dental Arts now to address any of your dental needs or queries.

Why Christmas is the Perfect Time for Dental Implants

Dental Implants-Coastal Dental Arts | Peabody Dentist - Dr. Peter Brzoza, DDS, FICOI

Amidst the jingling bells and festive cheer, have you ever considered gifting yourself the everlasting joy of a confident smile? Welcome to a season where twinkling lights aren’t the only things brightening up lives. Christmas, beyond its merry façade, presents a unique opportunity for something beyond the ordinary: dental implants. Beyond the joyous gatherings and warmth of the holidays lies a window for rejuvenating your smile. Join us on an exploration into why this festive season is more than just eggnog and carols; it’s the perfect time to unwrap the gift of a renewed, radiant smile through the magic of dental implants.

The Season of Joy and Renewal:

Christmas embodies renewal and fresh beginnings. It’s a season where hope blossoms, symbolizing new chapters and opportunities. Similarly, opting for dental implants during this period mirrors this spirit of renewal. Picture this: a new year on the horizon, adorned with the prospect of a new smile, renewed self-assurance, and improved oral health. It’s not just a dental procedure; it’s a step towards embracing a more confident version of yourself.

Embracing Change Amidst Festivities:

Amidst the delightful chaos of Christmas preparations, there’s a window of opportunity for dental procedures. With many individuals on holiday breaks and taking time off work, scheduling appointments for consultations and procedures becomes more flexible. This enables a smoother transition for undergoing the implant process without significantly interrupting daily routines. What better way to kick off the new year than with a fresh smile?

‘Tis the Season for Healing:

Healing after dental implant surgery is crucial. The holidays provide an ample opportunity for rest and recovery. It’s a time to relax, indulge in comforting seasonal foods, and allow the body to heal without the pressures of a hectic work schedule. Embracing the festive downtime can aid in a more comfortable and stress-free recovery process.

The Gift of Confidence:

Imagine welcoming the New Year with a newfound confidence in your smile. Dental implants not only restore missing teeth but also rejuvenate self-esteem. They offer a natural-looking, permanent solution that allows you to enjoy the holiday season and beyond without worrying about discomfort or embarrassment caused by missing teeth.

As we bid farewell to this festive season, remember that the magic doesn’t have to fade with the twinkling lights. Christmas isn’t just about presents; it’s about the gift of self-care. Consider the lasting gift of a radiant smile through dental implants. Embrace the new year with confidence and renewed self-assurance. The joy of this season need not end—let your smile continue to sparkle and illuminate the path ahead. From holiday cheer to newfound confidence, the spirit of Christmas can linger in the form of a beaming, beautiful smile. Here’s to brighter days and the joy of sharing your best smile with the world. Get in touch with Coastal Dental Arts now to address any of your dental needs and inquiries.

Can Smokers Get Dental Implants? The Impact of Smoking Explained

dental implants peabody coastal dental arts peabody dentist dr peter brzoza dds ficoi

Achieving a confident smile is a universal aspiration, and dental implants have revolutionized the path for those seeking to restore their smiles. However, for smokers, the journey toward prosthetic teeth may present additional challenges. In this blog post, we’ll explore the intricate relationship between smoking and implants, shedding light on various facets of the process.

The Basics of Dental Implants

Embarking on the journey to reclaim your confident smile involves understanding the transformative power of dental implants. Unlike traditional dentures, these game-changers surgically implant artificial tooth roots into your jawbone, providing a stable foundation for replacement teeth. Picture this: a more natural look and feel that mirrors the function of your original teeth. It all starts with a thorough examination—your dentist assessing your oral health and determining your candidacy for implants.

When you’re confirmed as a suitable candidate, it’s your turn to take the spotlight. The dentist expertly places the implant into your jawbone. Here’s where the magic happens: over time, your bone naturally fuses with the implant through a fascinating process called osseointegration. The result? A secure and durable foundation uniquely crafted for you. Beyond the aesthetic enhancement, dental implants contribute to your improved oral health and overall well-being. 

The Intricate Process of Osseointegration

Central to the success of dental implants is osseointegration—a process where the implant fuses seamlessly with the jawbone. For smokers, however, a potential hurdle arises. Smoking, notorious for its adverse effects on blood circulation, may impede the optimal integration of the implant. Reduced blood flow can compromise the body’s ability to heal and integrate the implant successfully.

Nicotine and Healing Complications

Now, let’s dive into the intricate relationship between nicotine and the healing process post-implant surgery—it’s a crucial chapter in your journey to a revitalized smile. 

Picture nicotine as a potential roadblock on this path. As you indulge in smoke, the nicotine, a vasoconstrictor, narrows your blood vessels, reducing blood supply to the surgical site. This constriction becomes a hurdle during the vital healing phase, potentially leading to complications. Imagine your body, striving to heal and integrate the implant seamlessly, facing delays and challenges. It’s a delicate dance, and understanding this dynamic sheds light on why your commitment to a smoke-free post-surgery period significantly influences the ultimate success of your artificial teeth. 

Increased Risk of Infection

Smoking comes with a compromise— a compromised immune system. This weakened immunity leaves smokers more susceptible to infections. In the realm of dental implants, heightened vulnerability to infections during the critical healing process poses a substantial challenge. Infections can not only impede healing but also jeopardize the long-term success of the implants.

Impact on Bone Health

A lesser-known consequence of smoking is its impact on bone health. Dental implant stability relies on robust bone density, yet smoking has been linked to a decrease in bone density. This potential reduction in bone quality may pose challenges to the long-term success of dental implants for smokers. Understanding this impact is paramount for individuals considering implant procedures.

Consultation with Your Dentist

While the challenges presented by smoking are evident, it’s important to note that dental implants for smokers are not entirely off the table. The key lies in open communication with your dentist. Your dental professional can conduct a comprehensive assessment of your individual health factors and provide personalized guidance. A candid discussion ensures that you are well informed about the potential risks and benefits specific to your situation.

The impact of smoking on dental implants is a significant consideration, but it shouldn’t be a deterrent. Awareness of the challenges empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their oral health. If you’re a smoker contemplating dental implants, engaging in an open conversation with your dentist is the first step toward achieving the smile you desire.

How Often do Dental Implants Need to Be Replaced?

Premolar And Molar Tooth Crown Installation Over Implant Concept. 3d Illustration Of Human Teeth And Dentures

If you have been recommended for dental implants, you may wonder if they will ever have to be replaced. Implants are a permanent restorative solution for patients seeking that perfect smile. Dental implants look and feel natural in the mouth, and last upwards of 25 years if they are cared for properly.

At Coastal Dental Arts, dental implants are one of the most common restorative options done in our dental office in Peabody, MA. Many patients are leaning towards this permanent option to give them a durable smile that will last for years. Dental implants can last your entire life, and they are one of the most reliable tooth restoration options available to patients.

However, some patients have asked us if having their teeth cleaned regularly can damage the enamel on our teeth. We hope that this article can help address this common concern.

How Successful Are Dental Implants?

Implants have a 95% success rate, and we encourage patients to use good oral hygiene habits to keep the implants clean and free of plaque. This helps the implants to last, and prevents infection which can make them unstable in the mouth. Implants moving or needing replacement is rare. If an implant shifts out of place this could indicate the bone tissue is not providing enough support, and you should contact our dental office in Peabody, MA immediately.

Dentist Examining A Patients Teeth In The Dentists Chair

Tips to Ensure your Dental Implants Last a Lifetime

Here are some helpful tips that you can start using to get the most out of your dental implants:

  • Floss daily using an implant specific floss or wax free floss to help keep the area clean and free of plaque. A Waterpik Water Flosser can be used to assist in removing plaque around the implants.
  • Use a low abrasive tooth brush such as a soft type brush on your implants.
  • Avoid any products, foods, or drinks containing any ingredients that may stain your teeth.
  • Anti-microbial rinses can be used to help reduce inflammation and prevent infection.
  • Avoid products that contain stannous fluoride, sodium fluoride, or baking soda. These ingredients can make the implants prone to corrosion.
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Contact Dr. Peter Brzoza in Peabody, MA

Caring for your implants at home is similar to caring for your natural teeth. Practicing good oral hygiene habits at home will ensure your implants last for years and never need to be replaced. Dr. Peter Brzoza ‘s friendly team is here to help you achieve the smile you have always wanted. We are always available to answer questions and help you every step of the way.

If you are interested in finding out more about dental implants in Peabody, MA and how they may benefit you, contact Coastal Dental Arts to schedule your consultation with Dr. Brzoza.

Tips for Maintaining Good Oral Hygiene

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Say Cheese! It is one of the most primary confirmation calls used by camera operators to inform the people that they are ready or organized to have their picture taken. We are sure that you have also used this, too, at certain point. The reason of saying cheese is that you can give a bright smile in which your teeth will be visible. Sometimes having poor oral hygiene could make it tough for you to say something like smile or cheese.  

In addition, having poor oral hygiene can cause different diseases, which include oral cancer, gum diseases, or terrifyingly horrible smells that can invade your mouth as well as make your life hell. These problems not only occur by poor dental hygiene, but it can happen by caring wrongly. 

You can use some effective tips by following them. You don’t need to keep your lips tightly shut in any event or gathering. Here are some tips for maintaining good oral hygiene. 

Brush Twice a Day  

It is immensely important to brush your teeth twice a day. As plaque always migrates towards the gum line, it’s important to focus on your gums. Use a fluoride toothpaste with a simple flatheaded soft toothbrush. It assists in strengthening the teeth surface.  

Change your Toothbrush  

Once you start to use any product, its effects become less. That’s why it is important to get a quality brush every two months. If you see the bristles of your toothbrush bending or getting out of shape, then it is time to change it.  

Quit Smoking  

Many pieces of research show that smoking is one of the main reasons for gum disease. It contains too many toxins that can cover the usual signs of gum disease. Due to the toxins, the tartar may become more aggressive, and they can damage your tooth tissue more quickly than a non-smoker.  

Avoid Snacking  

You have to make an aim to consume only three main meals daily, with minimum snacking. Snacking encourage plaque acid in your mouth, which can easily harm your tooth and its surface vulnerable to decay.   

Drink more Water  

Water is considered one of the best beverages for the overall health of a person, including oral health. You have to drink water after every meal consumption. It can assist wash out some of the bad effects of acidic and sticky beverages and food in between brushes.  

There is a wide variety of tips and tricks to maintain good oral hygiene. But these are basics by following these above steps you can able to maintaining good oral hygiene. You will confidently smile and never afraid to use say cheese in gatherings anymore! Besides all these tips you have to visit your dentist at least twice a year because the dentist can able to spot potential problems and provide you treatment or solutions.  

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