Coastal Dental Arts Peabody


Tooth Extraction Peabody MA

Restore Oral Health With Safe Dental Extractions In Peabody, MA

Coastal Dental Arts Peabody is a reliable destination for patients seeking comfortable and less painful teeth removals. We understand the risks of broken, infected, or abscessed teeth that don’t respond to non-surgical procedures anymore. To ensure our patients enjoy optimal oral health, we offer tooth extractions in Peabody, MA.

What is a Tooth Extraction?

Extractions involve the complete removal of one or more teeth. They are done to improve oral health and prevent future problems from occurring. You might need extractions before other procedures, such as getting a denture. We offer extractions right here in the office, ensuring that you feel comfortable throughout the procedure.

Why would a Tooth Extraction be needed?

Extractions are often needed if a tooth is posing a problem to your oral health. In some cases, a tooth may need to be removed because it is severely decayed or is loose because of gum disease. Wisdom teeth will often need to be removed if they are unable to come up through the gums on their own. Additionally, it’s not uncommon for stubborn baby teeth to need removal to improve the development and growth of permanent teeth.

What Is A Tooth Extraction.jpg
Dr. Brzoza and his team are exceptionally good. He provides the epitome of high quality, responsive, pain-free dental services. He is the best dentist I have seen in my 78 years.
I recommend him with no reservations.
David Weiss

Who is a candidate for a Tooth Extraction?

We will examine your mouth and teeth to determine if you might need one or more extractions. X-rays allow us to see underlying problems or impacted teeth that could become an issue to your oral health over time. If you need an extraction, it’s best to have the procedure done sooner rather than later. Extractions can be safely done on both pediatric and adult patients as needed.

What happens during the procedure for a Tooth Extraction?

We begin by administering either general or local anesthetic. We then use specialized instruments to fully remove the tooth. Sutures may be needed to close the gums and promote even healing. We will send you home biting down on a piece of gauze to stop any bleeding. You will receive important aftercare instructions to follow to ensure that the surgical site heals correctly. If you have any problems with the area where the extraction was done, we advise you to come into our office right away. Count on our dentist for the post-operative care that you will need after a tooth removal.

If you need a tooth extraction, call our office today at (978) 854-5666. Our Peabody dentist will be more than happy to schedule an appointment for you to come in.

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